Wilmington Orthopedic Massage
For People in Pain


Welcome to my webpage! There's a lot of content I'd like to share that just isn't on here yet, so if you have any questions or would like to speak to me, please give a call!

You may have found me because you suffer from headaches, arthritis, or complications from injury. If pharmaceutical or surgical interventions have been inadequate, failed, or even made your pain worse, know that there are other options! 

I specialize in stopping headaches. If you have a headache now, call for a same day appointment! 

I have had success with all types of headaches, migraine, cluster, tension, TMJ, emotional strain, all of them. 

I can help with arthirtis, tendonitis, bursitis, thoracic outlet, carpal tunnel...really bone, muscle, or tendon pain.

Massage is more than a rubdown, it is a highly effective therapeutic intervention! Myofascial manipulation techniques not only relax strained muscle tissues, but can also realign joints, restructure scarring, and release entrapped nerve fibers to alleviate all kinds of inflammatory conditions and neurogenic pain. 

If you are in pain I can help you! Check out my services to see which treatments are right for you.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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